I swiped this off the Our Beloved Hills. The luncheon set belong to Freda.Freda "Stewart" Hyre was all of 4’10" tall. She was small in frame but large in spirit. Born in 1889, Freda lived to be 96

years of age. I was sure she would live to be 100. Her mind was as sharp as a tack, but her heart finally gave out. She swore that creamed tomatoes were the secret to her long levity, and she ate them almost everyday of her life, breakfast, lunch and supper.
Like most people her age, she never let anything go to waste. Freda canned vegetables, made her own soap and quilted into her upper eighties. She would complain about her back, and at the same time work circles around all of us. She was spirited and talkative, while Grandpa was serious and quiet. But, It was fun to watch her and Grand Pal Opie set and recite poems and verses. She would start in and he would join. They both had been teachers, and reciting these verses gave them great joy.
Portrait of Mrs. Stewart Hyre, Betty Hyre, 20 x 16 inches
( 50.8 cm x 40.64 cm ), oil on canvas. The background of the painting is a suggestion of the pattern and colours of one of her favourite quilts. I took it from a photograph my husband took of her quilts hanging on the clothes line. Grandma, made quilts for all her children and grand children.
Written by Betty Hyre